Monday, January 21, 2008

It's getting closer !!!!

... Meaning the retreat I am attending with my friend Donna at the end of the week ~ at one time it seemed like it was such a long way off, and now here it is just 5 more days to go until I am away for the weekend ~ creating and chatting and visiting and relaxing. I am so looking forward to this first retreat / weekend event of the year ~ and so excited to say I know there are more coming haha.

The biggest thing is drawing inspiration from all my wonderful scrapbooking friends, as I won't have access to a computer (hhhmmm a weekend without a computer ~ probably my biggest challenge haha) and all the beautiful layouts that make me oooohhhh and aaaaahhhhhh ~ but I have put together a couple dozen packages (pics included) so that I have lots to do ~ I really would be happy if I even managed to create half as many wonderful pages, I really am so ready to go!

Not much else to say, I hope I have some lovely layouts to post next week and thanks to my amazingly talented friends for continuing to post layouts and ideas and links to more ideas ~ you are amazing my friends!


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